2024-26 Peer Learning & Wellness Groups Launch
2024-26 Peer Learning & Wellness Groups Launch
This fall NBA launched four new Peer Learning & Wellness Group cohorts simultaneously for Chaplains, Executive Leaders, Prison & Jail Ministry and the initial cohort of the Asian/Pacific Islander (API) Young Adults. These cohorts had the opportunity to connect in person when nearly forty individuals from the United States and Canada traveled to Banning Mills in Whitesburg, GA for a combined retreat at the end of October.

“The Peer Learning and Wellness Groups cultivate practices of radical care that nourish the soul, ignite the Spirit, and fuel inspired leadership,” says Rev. Héctor J. Hernández Marcial, NBA’s Director of Community Engagement. “Our vision of a future where no leader walks alone but is upheld by the compassionate presence of peers drives our efforts every day. By transforming isolation into belonging, we are empowering prophetic voices to lead with wisdom, courage, and hope.”
Over the course of the four-day retreat attendees held breakout sessions with their respective peer groups, completed a spiritual compass exercise, toured the Civil and Human Rights Museum in Atlanta and participated in outdoor activities on the retreat center’s campus that provided a chance for group members to bond as well as an opportunity for healing and wellness.

This is the 2nd cohort of the Chaplains Peer Learning & Wellness Group. This group connects individuals serving in various forms of chaplaincy across the life of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and will give attention to secondary trauma, mental health and wellness, personal spiritual practices, and the formation of a healthy work/life balance.
List of members:
Alberto Adorno, Chaplain at IU Health Academic Health Center in Indianapolis, IN
Rev. Waleska Alvarado, Coordinator of the CPE Program at AdventHealth CPE Orlando Center in Orlando, FL
Rev. Josh Bridges-Hickey, Chaplain at Atrium Health in Charlotte, NC
Rev. David Cobb, Chaplain at Children’s Minnesota Hospitals in Minneapolis, MN
Erin Grasse, Minister of Administration at First Christian Church Pomona and Per Diem Chaplain at Providence Mission Hospital in Los Angeles, CA
Rev. Debbie Harmon, Chaplain at St. Vincent’s Health System in Muncie, IN
Rev. Julie Miller, Chaplain at St. Vincent’s Health System in Indianapolis, IN
Rev. Vivian Oliver, Hospice & Palliative Care Chaplain at Haley Veteran’s Hospital in Tampa, FL
Alysun Skinner, Chaplain at Barton College in Wilson, NC
Rev. Bentley Stewart, Pediatric Palliative Care Chaplain, Orlando Health Palmer Hospital for Children in Orlando, FL
Rev. Tiffany Curtis, NBA Peer Learning & Wellness Group Specialist (Convener)
Joselyn Spence, NBA Director of Mental Health & Wellness Initiative (Convener)
This is the launch of the fourth cohort of the Executive Leaders Peer Learning & Wellness Group. Designed for Executive Leaders of health and social service ministries affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), this group will focus on faith-based nonprofit leadership, organizational development, church and community relationships, and formation of a healthy work/life balance.

List of members:
Stacey Bartholomew, President of Creating Housing Coalition in Albany, OR
Rev. Brenda Booth, Executive Director of Isaiah 58 Ministries in St. Louis, MO
Rev. Allison Lanza, Executive Director of Be the Neighbor in Ft. Worth, TX
Rev. Edwin Lloyd, Senior Pastor at Whosoever Will Christian Church and Executive Director of Whosoever Will Community Assistance Program in Beltsville, MD
Rev. Stephanie McLemore, Chaplain and Director of the Spiritual Life Center at Denison University in Granville, OH
Brandy Muniz, Executive Director of All Peoples Community Center in Los Angeles, CA
Rev. Alzaiah Yong, Co-Executive Director of Center for Engaged Compassion in Ontario, CA
Mark Palmer, NBA Peer Learning & Wellness Group Convener (Convener)
This is the third cohort of the Prison & Jail Ministry Peer Learning & Wellness Group for leaders engaged in spiritual care and advocacy ministries with those who are incarcerated (prisons, jails, and immigration detention centers), individuals formerly incarcerated (returning citizens), and families and communities impacted by crime and incarceration.

List of members:
Pastor Al Beasley, Disciples of Christ-ordained minister and Chaplain with Prison Contemplative Fellowship at Eyman Prison in Scottsdale, AZ
Pastor Tammey Edkin, Executive Director of United Churches of Lycoming County and Chaplain at Lycoming County Prison in Williamsport, PA
Rev. Jose Limas, Jr., Senior Pastor at Community Christian Church and Host of “Thinking of You” Prison Ministry Radio Program in Lubbock, TX
Rev. Dan Netting, Senior Pastor at First Christian Church Salem and Chaplain at Western Virginia Regional Jail and Roanoke County/Salem Jail in Salem, VA
Doris Smith, Executive Director of Platform of Hope in Atlanta, GA
Rev. Christina E. Thomas, Regional Chaplain at Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Rehabilitation Programs Division near Dallas, TX
Rev. Angel-Luis Rivera- Agosto, NBA Community Engagement Senior Coordinator, Justice Initiatives (Convener)
Rev. Nora Jacob (Convener)
2024 is the start of our inaugural Asian/Pacific Islander (A/PI) Young Adult Peer Learning & Wellness Group! This peer group is composed of Disciples-affiliated A/PI Young Adult leaders ages 21-30 who together will create a community of support and development by focusing on identity, culture, leadership development, wellness, and transformation of their communities.
It was created as part of NBA’s new A/PI Initiative about discovering the health and social service needs most critical and important within A/PI communities, and through NBA’s community engagement programs, mental health and wellness programs, and leadership development programs, we are prepared to accompany churches and faith communities in the collective and communal work to identify and more clearly name health and social service issues and concerns of the A/PI community.

List of Members:
Aileen Ahn, Medical Social Worker at DaVita Kidney Care in the Los Angeles, CA area
Klaus Simon Bondoc, Caseworker at Calgary Catholic Immigration Society in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Mary Cho, Graduate Student at Northeastern University in Boston, MA
Michelle Chong, Nurse at Trillium Health Partners and Co-Facilitator at Open Table in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Rev. Alexa Dava, Project Officer of Human Dignity and Reproductive Health for World Council of Churches in Lexington, KY
Julia Kim, Preschool teacher at a Jewish synagogue in the Los Angeles, CA area
Leute Lagaaia, Secretary and Co-Worship Leader at Samoan Christian Church in West Valley City, UT
Amelia Sili-Uesi, Nurse at Wahlen VA Medical Center and Youth & Women’s Ministry Leader at First Tongan Christian Church in South Salt Lake City, UT
Taulau Tupua, Associate Pastor, Youth & Mission at First Christian Church of North Hollywood in the Los Angeles, CA area
Rev. Awit Marcelino (Facilitator)
Cindy Kim-Hengst, NBA Peer Learning & Wellness Group Convener (Convener)