
God and Community in Mental Health Journeys

This year, for Mental Health Month we asked Disciples to respond creatively to this question: Where do you see God in your mental health journey? We received recorded songs, poems, essays, and other reflections from people across the denomination. This post has resources and content that center God and community in mental health journeys. To watch our intro video about this series, watch it here.

Song, I’ll Be Blue With You by Diana Tyler

Poem, If the World Survives by John W. Kottke

If the world survives another day
and I awake tomorrow in the midst
of chaotic realignment
may I find children with wondering eyes
in need of a guiding hand with gentle touch
where I can reach out
and draw their warmth together
into a growing space unspoiled
by selfish consumption.

Enlivened by the energy of hope
into the design of shared power
woven in common awareness
of the sacred soul
from which we spring
to sustain the essence of life
that each new day reveals
may we be filled with the ecstasy
of God’s eternal presence.

Scriptures from the book of Psalm

  • Psalm 73:23
  • Psalm 139:7-12
  • Psalm 34:18

Additional Resources

Empathy for All: A Mental Health Sermon Series