Rev. Jorge R. Cotto

Rev. Jorge R. Cotto is an ordained minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and pastor of Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Coral Gables, Florida. Much of Jorge’s early ministry was dedicated to the development of youth and music ministries in Puerto Rico and the U.S. In 1985, he moved to Miami, Florida where he served for 10 years as a youth pastor and director of music. In 1998, Jorge accepted a call to be the pastor of Central Christian Church in Coral Gables. Since then, he has devoted his life to a bilingual and multicultural ministry in South Florida.

Jorge holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Puerto Rico and a Master in Divinity from the Center of Theological Studies in Florida. He has served in various positions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) at the regional and general levels.

Jorge Cotto was born and raised in Puerto Rico and currently lives in Miami, Florida, with his wife Bruni, and his sons, Daniel and Jeffrey.

Why did you say yes to joining NBA’s Board of Trustees?

The work of NBA is highly respected in our church at a general level. I consider it a privilege to serve in a unit of the General Church that responds to many community needs.

What does NBA’s vision mean to you?

The vision of the NBA reminds me of the most important values of the gospel. These are mercy, compassion, justice, and above all love. Building a world with these ingredients is a formula that never fails.