NBA Announces Fall 2021 Mission & Ministry Grantees

The National Benevolent Association is proud to announce its Fall 2021 Mission & Ministry Grantees. NBA’s Mission & Ministry Grants program granted a total of $185,500 to 35 Disciples projects and ministries working with older adults, children, and youth.
Launched in 2017, the Mission & Ministry Grants program has made purpose-restricted funds available for Disciples congregations and health and social service ministries for half a decade. This year, the NBA Grants Committee met virtually to evaluate and accept applications; grant funds have now been distributed to selected projects.
“I am extremely excited to be a part of an organization that recognizes the unique contributions of ministries that serve as the hands and feet of Yeshua in urban, suburban, and rural communities,” says NBA Board of Trustees Chair and Grant Committee member Rev. Orlando Scott. “One of the ministry programs that excite me this year is the Global Arts and Theology Experience. As a girl dad and an artist, The Black Girl Magic Academy encourages me. Their goal of empowering young women theologically and socially to understand themselves, gives me hope that we are developing leaders that will guide us in the 21st century.”
This year’s grantees are located across 16 Disciples regions. Of the 35 selected projects, 16 are focused on at-risk children and youth; 11 are focused on older adults; and eight are intergenerational, serving both communities. NBA is also proud that three organizations that were part of our inaugural Social Entrepreneurship Cohort received grants. The grants team was also able to grant funds to 10 organizations and congregations that previously received COVID-19 NBA Response Grants.
As the NBA deepens its internal equity work, we are also focused on being more inclusive and representative of the diverse Disciples congregations and organizations in the denomination. We recognize that in communities of color, systemic needs are often greater. This year, more than half of our grants went to projects that will benefit Black, Asian, and Hispanic communities. The projects are working to provide care in diverse, ethnic communities, including places where English is not the first language.

“As the NBA actively and intentionally lives into the values of belonging, equity, inclusion, and diversity we understand that part of the work is to interrogate our internal processes and systems to align our work and our values. With the Mission and Ministry grants this means examining everything from the application process to the communication process, to the review and evaluation process,” says Executive Vice President and Grants Committee member Rev. Rebecca Hale. “It also means understanding inherent equity issues in what it means to be a funder because it is possible to end up serving the problems of inequity instead of helping to make real change.”
See the full list of grantees below and stay tuned for stories from some of the grantees throughout 2022.
Fall 2021 Mission & Ministry Grant Recipients
Purpose | Organization Name | Project Title | City | State | Award |
Youth/Young Adult | Camp Sunflower | Camp Sunflower Expansion | Wichita | KS | 5000 |
Youth/Young Adult | Casa de Oracion de Fullerton | The 4 Pillars of a Healthy Life | Fullerton | CA | 4000 |
Youth/Young Adult | Disciples Christian Church | Community Cultural Arts Youth Center | Cleveland Heights | OH | 6000 |
Youth/Young Adult | First Christian Church Blue Mound | Active Bodies. Active Minds. | Blue Mound | IL | 5000 |
Youth/Young Adult | First Christian Church McAllen | Recipes 4 Life | McAllen | TX | 3000 |
Youth/Young Adult | First Christian Church Princeton | Impacting the Future by Growing Leaders Through Adventure and Service | Princeton | KY | 4000 |
Youth/Young Adult | First Christina Church Texas City | Blue Theology Mission Site | Texas City | TX | 3000 |
Youth/Young Adult | Global Arts and Theology Experience | Black Girl Magic Academy | Austin | TX | 5000 |
Youth/Young Adult | New Vision Christian Church | Living Your Destiny Mentoring Ministry | Fort Worth | TX | 2500 |
Youth/Young Adult | Peniel Ministries | A Gathering Place | Gresham | OR | 7000 |
Youth/Young Adult | Southern Christian Services for Children and Youth | Trauma Education for Immigrant Mexican and Guatemalan Children and Youth | Jackson | MS | 5000 |
Youth/Young Adult | The Keep It Together Project | The KIT Project "Be YourSELf" | Houston | TX | 4000 |
Youth/Young Adult | Unleashing Potential | Experience STEM | St. Louis | MO | 5000 |
Youth/Young Adult | Walking On Water Christian Church | WOW social communion worship program for youth with developmental disorders. | Claremont | CA | 5000 |
Youth/Young Adult | Yale Avenue Christian Church | Living an Ethical Life in a Ever Changing World | Tulsa | OK | 1500 |
Youth/Young Adult | Yedidyah Christian Church | Creating a Community Through Music for Youth | Norwalk | CA | 2500 |
Older Adult Ministries | Central Christian Church Disciples of Christ | Food for the Soul: Community Connection and Food Ministry Project | New Albany | IN | 10000 |
Older Adult Ministries | Christian Care Communities | Creating Healthy Memories in Motion | Louisville | KY | 4000 |
Older Adult Ministries | Daytona Beach Drive-In Christian Church | Daytona Beach 50+ Recovery Ministry | Daytona Beach | FL | 5000 |
Older Adult Ministries | Journey of Faith Christian Church | New West Willow Neighborhood Association (NWWNA) Health and Wellness Initiative | Ann Arbor | MI | 10000 |
Older Adult Ministries | Main Street Christian Church | L's Angels: Lunching, Learning, Laughing, Listening and Lollygagging | Winchester | IN | 5000 |
Older Adult Ministries | Oklahoma Family Empowerment Center | COVID Connections, Compassion and Care for Seniors | Tulsa | OK | 7000 |
Older Adult Ministries | Rock Bridge Christian Church | Older Adult Ministries of Mid-America | Columbia | MO | 5000 |
Older Adult Ministries | Sallims Church | Sallims Senior Community Fellowship | Newport Beach | CA | 7000 |
Older Adult Ministries | The Devoted Life Ministries | The Reset: A Weekly Video Devotion for Mind & Spirit | Mount Holly | NC | 3000 |
Older Adult Ministries | The United Church UCC-DOC | Turning The Tables Towards Mental Wellness | St. Augustine | FL | 4500 |
Older Adult Ministries | Wilshire Korean Christian Church | Providing education and health program for seniors | Los Angeles | CA | 3500 |
Intergenerational | First Christian Church Katy | Community Food Pantry | Katy | TX | 5000 |
Intergenerational | Iglesia Cristiana Emmanuel, D.C. | A Whole New World | San Benito | TX | 2500 |
Intergenerational | Iglesia Cristiana en Nashville | Providing education, transportation, vaccine awareness, and providing support to schools | Antioch | TN | 5000 |
Intergenerational | Loving Jesus Christian Church | Good Samaritan Activites | South Pasadena | CA | 4000 |
Intergenerational | My SupaNatural Life | Project: THRIVE | Los Angeles | CA | 7000 |
Intergenerational | New Direction Christian Church | Inside Out Business Incubator 4 the Heart & Soul | Memphis | TN | 15000 |
Intergenerational | New Hope United Christian Church | NHUCC Helping Hands Ministry | Carthage | MS | 7500 |
Intergenerational | The Dreamkeepers Coalition, Inc. | The Dreamkeepers YouthLEAD Project (Leadership, Social-Emotional, Academics, Personal Development) | Lawrenceville | GA | 8000 |